Pre-Application Thank you for your interest in applying to the New Jersey Youth ChalleNGe Academy. Please use the online pre-application below. Alternately, you can download the pre-application and submit it via mail, email or fax using the instructions provided. Online Pre-Application April 2023 Part I - Applicant Information1. APPLICANT INFO1a. FIRST NAME1b. MIDDLE NAME1c. LAST NAME1d. DATE OF BIRTH1e. AGE1f. GENDER Male Female1g. RACE (Used for statistical purposes only) Asian or Pacific Islander Hispanic Black, not of Hispanic Origin White, not of Hispanic Origin Indian or Alaskan Native Other 1g (cont). IF OTHER RACE, LIST1h. ARE YOU A U.S. CITIZEN OR LEGAL PERMANENT RESIDENT Yes No2. HOME ADDRESS2a. STREET (Include Apt./Floor)2b. CITY2c. STATE2d. ZIPCODE2e. COUNTY Part II - Parent / Guardian Information3. PARENT/GUARDIAN INFO3a. FIRST NAME3b. MIDDLE NAME3c. LAST NAME3d. EMAIL3e. MOBILE PHONE3f. HOME PHONE4. APPLICANT LIVES WITH A Parent Guardian5. IF DIVORCED, DOES THE PARENT THE APPLICANT LIVES WITH HAVE SOLE CUSTODY Yes No Does Not Apply Part III - School Information6. LAST SCHOOL ATTENDED 6a. NAME OF SCHOOL 6b. STREET 6c. CITY6d. STATE6e. ZIPCODE7. ARE YOU CURRENTLY ENROLLED Yes No8. LAST GRADE LEVEL COMPLETED 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade9. DID YOU OR DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE AN INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL PLAN (IEP) Yes No10. DID YOU OR DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE A 504 PLAN Yes No Part IV - Additional Questions For The Applicant11. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ARRESTED Yes No11a. PROVIDE DATES AND EXPLAIN ALL OFFENSES (All legal issues must be cleared prior to the class start date)12. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN PLACED ON PROBATION / DEFERRED DISPOSITION Yes No12a. PROVIDE DATES AND EXPLAIN ALL OFFENSES (All legal issues must be cleared prior to the class start date)13. DO YOU HAVE ANY PENDING COURT DATES Yes No13a. IF YES, WHEN AND WHERE14. HAVE YOU ATTENDED ANY RESIDENTIAL OR TREATMENT PROGRAM Yes No14a. IF YES, WHAT PROGRAMS15. ARE YOU WILLING TO BE DRUG TESTED Yes No16. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A CANDIDATE OR CADET IN ANY YOUTH CHALLENGE PROGRAM Yes No16a. IF YES, WHEN AND WHERE17. ARE YOU VACCINATED FOR COVID-19 Yes No, but willing No and not willing17a. IF YES, HOW MANY COVID SHOTS HAVE YOU RECEIVED18. HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE NJ YOUTH CHALLENGE ACADEMY19. TELL US WHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ACCEPTED INTO THE NJ YOUTH CHALLENGE ACADEMY Part V - Statement of Understanding I fully understand that the New Jersey Youth ChalleNGe Academy is a residential Academy that includes GED instruction, military training and employment preparation. At this time, I am in good health and capable of meeting the rigorous physical training schedule I will experience at the New Jersey Youth ChalleNGe Academy. I am drug free and I do not have an active alcohol and/or drug abuse problem. I am not under the jurisdiction or supervision of a juvenile or circuit court nor are there any actions pending against me in a general district court except as noted in questions 12 & 13 above. The applicant/legal guardian understands that by submitting this pre-application, the applicant has NOT BEEN ACCEPTED. The applicant SHOULD NOT withdraw from, nor cease to attend, High School even if they have received a conditional acceptance letter until just before the ChalleNGe class start date. To the best of my knowledge, all statements made in this application are accurate and truthful. I further understand that the information I have given in the first four parts of this application is subject to verification and that I may be disqualified from the Academy if it is determined that the information I have provided is untrue. By submitting this pre-application, I agree that any information I provide may be stored and made available to any person having a legitimate need for the information. I further understand that New Jersey Youth ChalleNGe Academy personnel shall determine who has such a need for this information. By submitting this online form, I acknowledge the Privacy Notice for the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. Part VI - SignaturesParent / Guardian signature is required regardless of the age of applicant. APPLICANT DATEPARENT / GUARDIAN DATE I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the Statement of Understanding above. We will send a confirmation receipt to the email address for the parent/guardian. SUBMIT Signup For Our Newsletter SUBSCRIBE Want to know more about us? Contact Our Team